The following guide describes the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Dual Regression, both using FSL tools.
In terminal, run Melodic command (with the first capital letter). In the MELODIC GUI setup the group ICA:
a) Data
Number of inputs - corresponds to the number of individual NIFTI files to be analyzed.
Select 4D data - here insert the names of the NIFTI files including the full path. WARNING: If you plan to perform averaging of repeated measures, the files with identical task and subject have to directly follow each other.
Delete volumes - leave 0 unless you know what you are doing.
TR (s) - keep default value (which is derived from the first input file)
High pass filter cutoff (s) - set it to 120, unless you have reason for a different cutoff.
b) Pre-Stats
Alternative reference image - leave turned off
Motion correction - leave MCFLIRT
B0 unwarping - leave turned off, unless you want use fieldmaps for registration
Slice timing correction - change to Interleaved (0,2...)
Bet brain extraction - leave turned on
Spatial smoothing FWHM (mm) - change to 8
Intensity normalization - leave turned off
Temporal filtering Perfusion subtraction - leave turned off
Highpass - leave turned on
c) Registration
Expanded structural image - leave turned off
Main structural image - turn on
Select main structural images - here insert the names of the NIFTI files containing brain-stripped (e.g. using BET, the file names should end with '_brain') high resolution T1 images of the corresponding subject (see point 1.a) including the full path.
Linear - leave Normal search, change BBR to 6 DOF
Standard space - leave turned on
Standard space image - keep the default image, when recycling the design, make sure the path corresponds to the installed version of FSL (e.g. 5.0)
Linear - leave Normal search and 12 DOF
Nonlinear - turn on
Warp resolution (mm) - keep the default value (10)
Resampling resolution (mm) - keep the default value (4)
d) Stats
Variance-normalise timecourses - leave turned on
Automatic dimensionality estimation - leave turned on, unless you want to change it to something else
Single-session ICA - change to Multi-session temporal concatenation
e) Post-Stats
Threshold IC maps - leave the default value (0.5)
Background image - leave Mean highres
Output full stats folder - turn on
Timeseries model - leave empty
Timeseries contrasts - leave empty
Session/subjects model - group analysis model can be set here (useless)
Session/subjects contrasts - group analysis contrasts can be set here (useless)
Afterwards you can save your design or click Go to start the analysis. - 2) Create group desing
In terminal, run Glm command.
a) GLM Setup window
Timeseries design - change to Higher-level / non-timeseries design (due to bug, you need to do this also before loading a previously saved design)
# inputs - set to the number of individual NIFTI files, which compose input for the ICA
Wizard - for simple design a wizard can be useful
b) General Linear Model window: EVs tab
Number of main EVs - for an unpaired design, the number equals to the number of groups or factor levels. For a paired design, a number of individual subjects has to be added
Number of additional, voxel-dependent EVs - leave 0
Paste - copy/paste the design matrix to/from a text file
Group - label each independent group with a unique number
EV1, EV2... - here instert the design matrix for each corresponding explanatory variable and input file
View design - check visually your design
Efficiency - check visually your design
c) General Linear Model window: Contrasts & F-tests tab
Contrasts - set the number of contrasts
F-test - set the number of F-tests
Paste - copy/paste the contrast matrix to/from a text file
Title - set the title of a contrast
EV1, EV2... - set the values for corresponding EVs (see point 2.b)
C1, C2... - leave turned on
Save your design and close GLM. - 3) Dual Regression
In terminal, go to the directory, where the MELODIC output *.gica directory is saved. Run the following command:
dual_regression <ica directory>.gica/groupmelodic.ica/melodic_IC 1 <GLM design>.mat <GLM design>.con 5000 <ica directory>.gica.dr `cat <ica directory>.gica/.filelist` - 4) Checking the results
In the terminal, go to the Dual Regression output directory (<ica directory>.gica.dr). Run lsic *tfce_corrp* to list all the contrasts with values above 0.95. Write down the numbers of ICs (WARNING: the files are numbered starting with 0 as opposed to the numbering in the MELODIC report page). Check the components in the MELODIC report page (report.html within <ica directory>.gica and discard those containing artifacts. If no repeated measures have been performed, this is the ICA and DR outcome, otherwise proceed to the step 5. - 5) Averaging repeated measures (Clewett
D., 2011, University of Southern California)
In the terminal, go to the Dual Regression output directory (<ica directory>.gica.dr). Run:
drrepmeas dr_stage2_ic<4-digit number of the chosen IC>.nii.gz dr_stage2_ic<4-digit number of the chosen IC>.nii.gz ...
WARNING: This step assumes, that each two subsequent files are from the same subject! - 6) Randomise
Prepare the averaged GLM design as in step 2. This design will have fewer inputs than the original one. Run the following command for each averaged component (ic<number>_all.nii.gz) from the previous step:
randomise -i ic<number of the IC>_all -o <your output suffix> -d <averaged GLM design>.mat -t <averaged GLM design>.con -T - 7) Checking the results
Follow the instructions from the step 4 to evaluate the outcome.
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