Study codes
Each project has been assigned a code consisting of 3 letters, while each study is labeled by the project code preceded by two letters representing the group and followed by 3 digits representing order number of the study.
Example: AB-CDE-000
- Where "A" represents the Lesion:
E = epilepsy
H = hemiparesis
M = multiple sclerosis
N = normal
P = psychiatry
R = restless leg
S = stroke
T = tumor
V = vascular - "B" represents the Main Task:
A = anatomy (no functional)
M = motor
L = language - "CDE" represent the Project Code
List of project codes:
Project code | Description |
DM-CDP | Dystonia motor - cervical dystonia project |
EM-EPP | Epilepsy motor - epilepsy plasticity project |
MA-TCP | MS anatomy - thalamus and cognition project |
MM-SBK | MS motor - spasticity + BTX + knee movement |
MM-SBR | MS motor - spasticity + BTX + Roland finger sequence |
MM-SMP | MS motor - spasticity motor pilot (active/passive) |
NA-TCP | Normal anatomy - thalamus and cognition project (control subjects for MA-TCP) |
NL-PMP | Normal language - preoperative mapping project (control subjects for TL-PMP) |
NM-CDP | Normal motor - cervical dystonia project (control subjects for DM-CDP) |
NM-CMP | Normal motor - convergence motor pilot (motor imagery + preoprioceptive stimulation) |
NM-KTP | Normal motor - knee trauma pilot |
NM-PMF | Normal motor - premotor somatotopy FEF study (The Univesrity of Chicago) |
NM-RLS | Normal motor - restless legs syndrome (control subjects for RM-RLS) |
NM-RMP | Normal motor - rehab motor project (control subjects for SM-RMP) |
NM-RMV | Normal motor - rehab motor Vojta |
RM-RLS | Restless-legs motor - restless legs syndrome |
SM-CMP | Stroke motor - convergence motor pilot |
SM-RMP | Stroke motor - rehabilitation motor project (emotional voice) |
SM-SBP | Stroke motor - spasticity BTX project (Roland sequence) |
TL-PMP | Tumor language - preoperative mapping project |
TM-FEF | Trauma motor - frontal eye field mapping (single case) |
TM-KTP | Trauma/orthopedic motor - knee trauma pilot |
VM-CVP | Vascular motor - cerebrovascular project (originally NM-CVP) |